Monday 26 August 2013

Bank Guarantee or Letter of Guarantee functionality in Ax 2012 R2

Hi All,
One of the very good features introduced in AX 2012 R2 is Letter of Guarantee or Bank Guarantee. 

Organizations which are into PROJECT EXECUTION, usually gives performance Bank Guarantee (PBG or BG) to their customers.  BG is for total value of contract and it is given to the customers upon receiving certain percentage of advance from them.

BG can be cancelled upon successful completion of the project or its value can be decreased after achieving a certain milestone or it can be liquidated by the customer if the project is not completed.

Let us dive into BG configuration…

STEP 1: Request letter of guarantee from Projects module
 >>In project details form, Select Bank document Type as Letter of guarantee & Click Letter of Guarantee on Action Pane

>>Letter of Guarantee form > click ‘Request’, to request letter of guarantee for the specific project

>> Select type, value, expiration date of letter of guarantee.

>>Letter of Guarantee form with status as requested

STEP2: Submit letter of Guarantee request to Bank from Bank Management Module
>> Cash and bank Mgmt > Common > Letter of guarantee

>> Click submit to bank

>>Select Bank Account, Facility Type & Facility Agreement

STEP 4: Receive Letter of Guarantee
>> Status is changed to ‘Submitted to bank’
>>Click ‘Receive from Bank’ when letter of guarantee is received from bank

>> Margins & expenses are calculated based on the Facility agreement setup or fixed amounts can be given here

STEP 5: Give Letter of Guarantee to beneficiary
>>Projects Module >> Project Details >> Letter of Guarantee
>>Status is changed to ‘Received from Bank’                                  

>>Go to Cash & Bank Mgmt Module>>Letter of guarantee >> Give to Beneficiary
>> Status is changed to ‘Request give to beneficiary’
>>Click ‘Give to beneficiary’ to give it to your customer

STEP 6: Decrease Letter of Guarantee
>> We can Increase value or Decrease Value or Extend or Cancel or Liquidate letter of guarantee
>> Status is ‘Given to beneficiary’

>> Let us assume, we have completed 50% of work and according to our agreement we can reduce the bank guarantee to 50% of its original value
>>Projects >> Project Details >> Letter of Guarantee >> Decrease Value

>>Cash & Bank Mgmt Module >> letter of Guarantee>> Decrease value
>> Status is changed to request decrease value

>> Fill in the amount that needs to be deducted from the original Letter of guarantee
>> Status had changed to ‘Request Decrease’

>> Status changed to ‘value decreased’
>> We can see the reduced value in value field

>>Projects>>Project details>>Letter of Guarantee
>>We can see the new value for letter of guarantee

STEP 7: Cancel Bank of Gurantee
>> We have completed the project, and we would like to cancel the letter of guarantee
>> Projects>Project details>Letter of Guarantee>Cancel
>> Give Cancellation Reason

>> Status is changed to ‘Request Cancel’

Hope above information is helpful,, 
 :) :)

Sathish Reddy

Monday 3 December 2012

Installation of AX 2012 on a standalone machine

Step 1. Install SQL Server 2008 R2 (along with others, check SSMS)

Step2. Create a domain Account on your windows

Step 3. Create the same domain Account in SQL server

Step 4. Give Admin Rights to both of these domains

Step 5. Give NT Authentication in SQL server (SSMS-->Security-->logins)  

Step 6. Installation of AX
--AOS, Database, Client
--NT Authentication
--Prerequisite components installation
-- Compile

Step 7: Creating Instance & Restoring Back up

--Copy application to  (C:Program files\MSD AX\50\Appl\SCAW)
--AX Server configuration -->Manage--> Create new configuration --> (Name of the configuration)
--Original Activation -->change instance to new instance

--Create a new database -->restore database with customer database -->Assign it in AX server configuration under database

Start AX & Compile it...


Running AX 2012 Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Virtualbox

  1. In BIOS mode Enable Virtualization (Depress F2/F11/Esc (depending on laptop maker) à Enters BIOS mode à navigate to "Configurations" à Virtualization technology-- Enable it  à save and exit)
  2. Download Part A, of the AX 2012 VM from the below link: 2012 Virtual Machine
  3. Make sure you have Winrar on your machine 
  4. Make sure you have more than 3GB RAM & 100GB free hard disk space 
  5.  Double click on first file of the downloaded (.exe file, Self Extractor) 
  6. After it completes extraction, Go to
    Download virtual box and the extension pack.

 7. Once you have installed, create a new virtual machine.

Select Windows 2008 64bit

Allocate a good portion of memory (>2GB recommended)

Un-tick the boot Hard Disk. Add disks manual after the wizard is finished.

11. Click on your new virtual image settings

Navigate to Storage
Add hard disks by clicking the disk icon – then “Choose existing disk”
Repeat this step for all 3 vhd files.
·         AX5-W8R2-01.vhd

After you have finished. Settings should look like this:

14. Start your image

15. Click ‘Start’  & then click AX 2012, Give default username & Password
Username: Administrator
Password: pass@word1
16. Start services, if not starting, check dependencies and start them (check local system account for all these dependencies and services)
17. Open AX server configuration à copy TCP/IP Port (2712)
18. Open AX configuration à in connection tab change TCP/IP port to 2712

Saturday 1 December 2012

Barcode for Item number and serial number

Hello There,

A client's problem,

I have one scenario to use barcode for identifying item number and serial number in the sales transaction. So I would like to create a barcode with the combination of item number and serial number.
Item ID                 Serial numbers
10001                  SR00001, SR00002, SR00003 & SR00004
Here my requirement is to sell the item SR00003 by barcode identification. And the item id and serial numbers need to be updated in the SO line by scanning the combined barcode. Can we configure this in AX?
Is there any satandard funcationality available in AX 2012 to achieve this. Pls. post your comments. Thanks in advance.

 --Create 2D barcode using Microsoft office word font
-- i.e., select a barcode font, Type item number and serial number, now in word you will see a barcode,,
-- Stick this barcode on your item
-- Place the cursor on SO line, scan the item, your item number will appear on SO line

No integration whatsoever..Wink  Big Smile
